Zephyr Float

Experience Escape

Kingston New York’s Upstate Hudson Valley Ulster County Float Tank Spa and Massage Center by the Catskills

30 Days of Floating

We are stressed and then we float.

We are irritable and then we float.

There is pain and then we float.

Zephyr Float opened her doors in 2016 to provide Sensory Deprivation Therapy to everyone in need of relief. It is why we price our float sessions at an affordable cost. It is why we started the float club, the paying it forward program, and float trades. We will talk to anyone who is willing to listen about floating.

A little over a year ago it was our passion for floating that took us to Colorado for the 2019 Float Conference. We rode scooters around the city, petted puppies, and listened to those contributing their lives to research in all avenues of floatation therapy. The research was reliable and exciting!

At the conference we listened to a speaker give account on how 30 days of floating impacted him physically, emotionally, & spiritually. While we previously found time to float 1-2 times a week it left us seriously considering amping up our floating practice.

The women at Zephyr Float will all be floating in solidarity for the 30 days of floating in the month of December. Follow our journey on our social media. We will be journaling and getting candid with our process. We can’t wait to share it all with you!

If you are a little jealous and are wondering what a consistent float practice could do for you, you’re in luck!

This Holiday we are offering an Unlimited Month package ($300/ person.) It will allow you to float as many times a week you would like. The floating series starts the day of your first float. If you are unable to make it into the spa until January then that is when your month will begin. In hopes that the shift in routine will bring a calmer mind for you this upcoming winter.

Please keep in mind that the Unlimited Monthly Float Package will be limited to the first 30 people that purchase the special and that the membership is not shareable. Call or stop in to purchase.

When floatation therapy is done in a consistent routine it can do wonders for your mental and physical health. Something we all need to take care of even more so today.

Here are the facts:

In 12 sessions, floating can substantially reduce pain, stress, anxiety, and burnout-related depression, while improving sleep quality and optimism; effects we sustained for at least 4 months. (Bood, et al., 2001; 2006)


Overall stress ratings decreased 60% after just the first session and pain reduction was maintained (done 79% from baseline) through session #9

What people said:

“The stress is gone for a few days after every session”

“My anger and stress just left my body”

“I am much more relaxed and less irritable”

“I’ve noticed that my overall stress level has remained somewhat low since my last float”

“Significantly decreases stress-most relaxed I could be”


General physical pain ratings decreased 66% percent after just the first session and Initial pain reduction was maintained down 70.3 % from baseline through session #9

What people said:

“Muscle tension, headache nearly gone”

“My shoulders are not up by my ears anymore”

“After session 1, I did not have another headache for a week!”

“Helps my shoulder pain”

“Improvement in back pain”

“I haven’t had any migraines or headaches since my last float”

“Relief of muscle tension”


Although no substantial statistical difference for sleep quality or sleep quantity HOWEVER

After 3 sessions, floaters gained an extra 42 minute of sleep each week!

After 5 sessions, floaters gained an extra 2 hours, 6 minutes

After 7 sessions, floaters gained an extra 2 hours, 44 minutes

After 9 sessions, floaters gained an extra 3 hours 30 minutes

What people said:

“Better Sleep (x4)”

“More relaxing sleep”

“Sleep is more restful”

“I can tell a huge difference in my sleep and overall body function”

“Sleep at night is very sound”

Mental Health

Mental Health symptoms were reduced by 35% over 9 sessions.

General psychological issues/concerns were reduced by 32% over 9 sessions

What people said:

“I believe this is helping reset my baseline”

“I can now start ID’ing when and how stressors are starting to influence my actions and decisions”

“Can recognize when I’m stressed and try to calm down”

“Increased ability to cope with stress”

“Feel Happier!”

“Preventative care that helps physical and behavioral issues from becoming worse”

Depression & Anxiety

Depressive symptoms decreased by 31.9% in 7 sessions, but further reductions after this point were negligible. Conversely, anxiety symptoms showed steady, gradual reduction with each floatation session. (42.7 % reduction by session #9) without leveling off.

What people said:

“Less PTSD symptoms, less panic attacks”

“Improved PTSD”

“When I first started this program, I was experiencing anxiety attacks and PTSD flashbacks.. since starting the massage and float, I have had 0 attacks and 0 flashbacks. It works!!

Mental Clarity

Not objectively assessed but here is what people said:

“Able to break down challenges/tasks and not feel overwhelmed”

“Sharper decision making”

“Improved focus”

“It’s enabling me to study better and longer”

“Focus on tasks, quieter mind”

“Increased focus at work (x2)”

“Mental Stamina”

“Ability to focus and perform better at work/home”

This study brings us to an interesting view of stress. Rather than considering it simply as a hyper-arousal of our fight or flight response. It is better understood as a state of unbalance, a disruption of our internal equilibrium- that is, a disturbance of our homeostasis.

Floating seems to work not simply as a consistent counterbalance to the fight or flight response on the one hand, or to the

possum response on the other, but as a balancing force between both- a maintainer of homeostasis.

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Wellness & Spa Weekend Getaways in Upstate NY

If you’re unfamiliar with the practice of floating, Zephyr Float is a great place to get started. Light and sound are blocked as you are suspended in body-temperature, hyper-buoyant water, while the complete absence of sensory distractions offers total relaxation and unexpected insights from your tech-freed brain.

Once your mental and physical reset is complete, don’t worry about having to go to far. Kingston is full of great places to stay, eat and shop. (Retail therapy can be good for your health, too.) Check out our recent Kingston guide for ideas on how to maximize your getaway!

Floats start at $65 for an hour, and massages start at $80. Packages and specials are available.

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Events Events Events!

We are finally realizing our dream of making our facility a congregation place for the community. Take a look at our new Events page! We're starting off with an inspiring and informative talk about balance in this world for women, followed by guided meditation, yoga and even a massage workshop for couples.

Take a look at our Event Page to see if anything strikes your fancy.

Life in Ulster County

John Fischer is a great photographer who had started his life and career in the Hudson Valley. We have known John for a few years and followed his photography for quite some time. Naturally, it was very exciting when he connected with us and decided to include our center in his new project "Life in Ulster County." The compilation of the stories and images he collects will be included in his coffee table book.

During his visit to our center, John interviewed Ryan and I about Floatation Therapy and even got a chance to experience it himself. His series of images take you through his first float!






Positive Impact

Following our participation in the O+ Festival, we were fortunate to meet Eugene Stetz, a local artist and a great guy. He has created something very cool in our future massage room. Take a look!

Here is a short story on the creation of this mural.

Mural painted in Kingston, NY at Zephry Floats (zephyrfloats.com) by artist Eugene Stetz from NY // Shot in stop-motion Song: J. Rawls - 'Tribute to Dilla' More photos and video at www.Stetzism.com Facebook & Instagram: @stetzism