Zephyr Float

Experience Escape

Kingston New York’s Upstate Hudson Valley Ulster County Float Tank Spa and Massage Center by the Catskills


1 Hour Float - $75

Great for beginners. A 60 minute float will provide wonderful muscle relaxation, stress relief and a "post float glow" that will stay with you for days.

1.5 Hour Float - $90

Perfect for an experienced floater. 90 minutes allows you to fully relax and begin inward exploration.

New In Town* - $150

First time floater? We feel floating is best experienced in threes. The first session is a "get to know you" float. In the second session, you know what to expect and are able to relax faster, allowing you to gain the most benefit from your time in the tank. The third session will be like a familiar glove. Slip into the tank and forget the world!

*New In Town package can be used within two months by first time floaters only and cannot be shared.