Zephyr Float

Experience Escape

Kingston New York’s Upstate Hudson Valley Ulster County Float Tank Spa and Massage Center by the Catskills

Float FAQ

What should I do to prepare?

  1. Be prepared and save time by downloading our Float waiver and intake form or massage intake form to fill them out ahead of time.

  2. Watch our First Float Orientation video to get an idea of what to expect.

  3. Read our float tank Do’s and Don’ts:

    • If you have dyed your hair and have not had two washes since, please wait to float another day. Your dye will come out in the water.

    • If you have added a new tattoo in the last 4 weeks, please refrain from floating until you are completely healed.

    • Don’t drink coffee for several hours beforehand. It can make your system jittery, which will interfere with the tranquility of the float.

    • Don’t shave or wax the day of your float. The salt water can irritate your skin.

    • Don't eat a heavy meal or come in hungry before your float. A full stomach will allow you to hear digestion noises from your body and an empty one will take your focus off of the experience inside the tank. Eating a light meal about an hour to 90 minutes ahead of time stops your stomach from gurgling while you float.

    • Don't wear your contact lenses during your float. Please bring your case and remove them before floating to avoid your contact lenses coming into contact with the epsom salt water.

    • You may also wish to bring your own hairbrush, as well as your deodorant to reapply after your post float shower.

    • That’s it!

What will it be like for me?

We don’t know what it will be like for you since it is such an individual experience. Nearly every customer reports leaving their float with profound peace and relaxation, deep concentration and creativity. We like to avoid saying too much before people use the tank, so that they aren’t influenced by what someone else says. Not only will it be different for you than it is for anyone else, it will be different each time.

"A therapeutic session in a flotation tank typically lasts between an hour to an hour and a half. For the first forty minutes, it is reportedly possible to experience itching in various parts of the body (a phenomenon also reported to be common during the early stages of meditation). The last twenty minutes often end with a transition from beta or alpha brainwaves to theta, which typically occurs briefly before sleep and again at waking. In a float tank, the theta state can last indefinitely without the subject losing consciousness. Many use the extended theta state as a tool for enhanced creativity and problem solving or for super learning. The more often the tank is used the longer the theta period becomes." ~ Graham Talley,  "About Floating Guide". Float Tank Solutions. 

Is there a weight limit?

Floatation therapy does not have a weight limit, however, unfortunately our tank design does. It is hard to accommodate people over 300 lbs. You are more than welcome to come in and take a look at the space ahead of your appointment to see if it will work for you.

Can I float if I just dyed my hair?

While there is no guarantee that the salt won’t strip some color from your hair, we recommend that you check if the water running through your hair in the shower at home is fully clear. If there is still some color coming out, you should wait a couple of more days/showers. Typically, you can start floating 7 days after dying your hair.

What about my hair-do?

You must wash your hair before and after floating. If you have a hair-do you want to keep, you shouldn’t float!  Lacquers and water-based dyes are not allowed.

We do have a great area with a hair dryer and everything you need to reclaim your style after your float!


Do I need to bring anything?

If you have longer hair, you may want to bring a brush (combs are available here.) Also, something to put your contact lenses into while you’re in the tank.  Other than that, we provide everything you need (towels, earplugs, body wash/shampoo.) Each room is fully private, and we suggest you go into the tanks nude, so there’s no need to bring a bathing suit.


Can more than one person float in a tank at a time?

Our tanks are spacious, but we no longer provide the option to float with another person in the same tank.


Do I have to stay in the whole time?

There aren’t any latches on the tank doors, you are in complete control and can get out anytime. That said, the 60 or 90-minutes usually goes by a lot faster than you’d expect (on average, floaters typically say it felt like 30-45 minutes long).


Is there a recommended amount of time or frequency for floating?

A 90-minute session about once a week has anecdotally been the best float length/frequency. See what works for you! The effect of the float will last a few days after the experience.


How long have float tanks been around?

John C. Lilly developed the first float tank in 1954.  These involved full submersion in water and a breathing device that completely covered your face.  The first lay down, commercial tanks were invented in the early 70’s by Glenn and Lee Perry.


What if I’m claustrophobic?

Being in the tanks is more like floating in outer space than being shut in a box.  You’re always in control of your environment, and even people with extreme claustrophobia have reported having no problems with their time in the tank.

Can I float if I’m pregnant?

As it is with warm baths, you should avoid floating in your first trimester

In your second or third trimester? Floating can relieve much of the stress and discomfort of pregnancy and allow deep rest for the mother and baby!

Warning: You should not float if you have a high-risk pregnancy. Please consult your physician or midwife if you have questions.

Can I float if I’m menstruating?

Yes. Just follow the same protocol you would for a swimming pool.


Are there people who should not float?

You should abstain from floating today if any of the following conditions apply to you:

     · Recently colored or permed hair in the last 7 days.
     · Infectious skin conditions
     · High-risk pregnancy
     · Open wounds (Including active hemorrhoids, the salt can sting). 
     · Respiratory conditions or disorders
     · Epilepsy
     · Kidney disease
     · Incontinence
     · When in doubt about a condition, please consult your physician.  


Is this new-agey mumbo jumbo?

Floating has been around for over 40 years and has published research to back it up.  No mumbo or jumbo here.


How do you clean the tanks?

The water is fully filtered 5 times between each float, passing through a 10 micron filter. We also sanitize our water with Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2.)


Do I get dehydrated from soaking for so long?

No- your skin doesn’t even prune up, but it does become silky soft afterwards.


Can I drown if I fall asleep in there?

Nope.  Some people fall asleep, but the water is so buoyant that you stay afloat.  The worst that can happen is getting woken up by a bit of salt water in your eyes.